4 Jan 2016

Jihadi John Junior: Sick ISIS video shows child direct 'execution of 5 BRITISH spies'

A sick propaganda video describes David Cameron as an "imbecile" for bombing the terror cult.
The prisoners in the video are described in the hate-filled narrative as "UK spies".

The four men in jumpsuits speak to the camera in Arabic, "confessing" to spying for British security services.

Security services are studying the shocking footage which  features what could be 'Jihadi John's' successor as the chief English-speaking ISIS executioner.

The child Jihadi, aged no more than five, is featured in the video pointing to the spots he would like the prisoners to be executed.

He says: "We will kill them over there."
One of the killers, who directs the message to PM Mr Cameron, also speaks with an English accent.
The chilling message goes on to pledge an ISIS invasion of the UK, as well as the imposition of Sharia Law here.

The 10-minute video is believed to have been filmed in a desert outside Raqqa, the de-facto ISIS capital in Syria,
The killers refer to the alleged spies, dressed in orange jumpsuits, as being "abandoned" by the UK.
ISIS claims they have "confessed" to spying for the UK.
The video and the messages bear a chilling resemblance to those which featured "Jihadi John", or Londoner Mohammed Emwazi, who was responsible for beheading British hostages Alan Henning and David Haines.
He is reported to have been killed in November by a US air strike

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