5 Jan 2016

Man Loses Seven Stone After Humiliating Obese Picture From Music Festival Went Viral

A man has lost seven stone after a picture of him topless at a music festival went viral.
Paul Moore, 26, a waiter from Cork in Ireland, was subjected to abuse after an image of his 20-stone frame was printed in a lads’ magazine.

The picture showed him topless and sitting on someone’s shoulders at a festival in Australia last year, and was printed in the magazine with the humiliating caption: “Make extra beer money by renting yourself as a human forklift for less mobile punters.”
The image and caption were then shared by thousands online, with many commenters abusing him for his weight and one even suggesting he would be better off dead.
The picture had more than 30,000 likes and more than 10,000 comments on social media. One commenter described him as “disgusting”, another called him a “whale on a day out” and someone even said he was “so fat he should be shot”.

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