5 Jan 2016

Isis boy is son of notorious jihadi bride who has been claimed to be of Nigerian descent

The English-speaking young boy who features in a new Isis execution video is the son of a notorious jihadi bride from London, according to his grandfather.

And the masked executioner with the English accent is reportedly Siddhartha Dhar, a former bouncy castle salesman who fled the UK to join the terror group in Syria while on police bail in 2014.

The pair have been identified after appearing in a video in which five men accused of spying for the British are brutally killed and the terror group declares it will "invade" the UK.

In the video, the boy, dressed in military fatigues and a black bandana bearing the white mark of Isis, points to the distance and says: "We will kill kuffar [non-believers] over there."

The boy, who is just 6 years old, is allegedly the young son of Grace "Khadijah" Dare, who grew up in Lewisham, south London, to Nigerian Christian parents and converted to Islam as a teenager.
Her father, Henry Dare, also known as Sunday, has said his grandson is "definitely" the boy in the Isis video.

Mr Dare, a minicab driver, told the telegraph.co.uk: "I was surprised when I saw the picture. It's definitely him. Of course I'm worried but there's nothing I can do now. I'm not angry - I would never have expected it. I just hope someone is trying to bring them back."

And in an interview with The Sun, he begged his daughter to return to Britain. "Grace, Grace, come home with my grandchildren. Come home, we love you, come and face the music."

In 2014, Grace Dare posted a shocking photograph to her Twitter account of her then 4-year-old son, Isam, smiling as he aims an AK-47 rifle.

She is married to a Swedish Islamic fighter called Abu Bakr, and is a convert who previously attended a mosque in South London.

Isa also has at least one younger sibling, a boy who would now be between 2 and 3 years old, who his mother has referred to as a "mini mujahid", or holy warrior.

Dare is believed to have been radicalised online before she started attending the Lewisham Islamic Centre, where the killers of British soldier Lee Rigby are said to have worshipped, although the mosque denies they were part of the congregation.

Culled fromNZ HERALD

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