14 Jan 2016

Former President Goodluck Jonathan honoured by Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Atlanta Georgia

Former Nigeria President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan was today honoured in Atalanta Georgia by Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He posted on Facebook 5 mins ago
"I thank Dr. Charles Steele Jr, President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, and the executive of the SCLC for honoring me today."

" It was also a pleasure to meet Naomi King, the sister of the late American Civil Rights leader and founder of the SCLC, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, who was kind enough to attend the event and identify with the goals and aspirations of the Goodluck Jonathan Foundation".
"By this award, I am further inspired to continue to work for the advancement of democracy, peace and progress in Nigeria and Africa". #GEJ.

Also Read : Former Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan becomes a grandfather
Well done man! You are a great man

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