12 Nov 2015

World's greatest Headphone? It will cost £35,000 (N10,592,304) Nigerian Naira, for you to lay your hands on it

Picture Credit:Sennheiser
German audio experts Sennheiser, have just revealed the ‘world’s greatest handcrafted headphones’
 made from the some of planet's most luxurious materials.

They are called the Orpheus, they are able to create acoustics that surpass anything that has been heard before and they even come with a unique amplifier that’s made of the finest Italian Marble.
Each headphone contains over 6,000 components – with each being meticulously chosen.

And to ensure an outstanding acoustic performance, the audio specialist used exclusive components such as gold-vaporized ceramic electrodes and platinum-vaporized diaphragms.
There's currently only four of them in the world and the Orpheus won’t be available until next year.

I want to ask if i will be able to talk to God using this headphone lol?

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