12 Nov 2015

Picture of a $200 Robotic puppy which can follow you around, play fetch and even recognise your voice

Rollover, sit and fetch aren’t commands normally given to a robot, but the smart toy company WowWee has developed a new way of owning a puppy.

CHIP (Canine Home Intelligent Pet) is a robotic dog is with blue LED eyes and pointy ears and can sit, squad down, shimmy, dance and makes all types of dog noises.
Using a smart wristband it can even follow its owner around the room. 

CHIP stands for 'Canine Home Intelligent Pet'.
It's a robotic dog loaded with sensor that gives it a 360-degree view to find its ball and charging bed.
CHIP can sit, squad down, shimmy, dance and makes all types of dog noises.
Units are set to ship sometime late next year.

It also has tracking capabilities to help CHIP locate its owner.
'The beauty about CHIP is that it has it's own thing going on," said Sufer. 'It has it's own life and own kind of intelligence. Even if you're not around it's always doing something.'
The company has plans to starting shipping units by next fall, which will allow them to load up the robotic dog with sensors and add many more animated responses per-owner interactivity.

CHIP will cost $199.99 (for both the robo-dog and Smart Band), with additional bands sold between $29.99 and $39.99.
'Next year we will be using our beacon sensors to develop a quad copter that chases our A.I Vehicles around," said Sufer.
'This will give our users a full gaming experience'.

Wow. What do you think guys?

Daily Mail

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