7 May 2016

Man takes God to court for being unkind to him

An Israeli man has applied to the country’s courts for a restraining order against God.
In a report by Walla News, the unnamed man is said to have petitioned Haifa Magistrates’ Court, claiming the deity has been particularly unkind to him.

According to Israeli site NRG, the man told the judge: “For the past three years he started to treat me harshly and not nicely.”

He acknowledged police had attended his home in the northern port city of Haifa ten times, but claimed the unjust treatment – the details of which were not specified - continued.

Writing for the Times of Israel, Stuart Winer wryly noted: “A protocol of the hearing noted that God did not turn up for the session, although it did not specify how the court determined the Omnipresent was not in fact there, as opposed to merely exercising the right to remain silent.”

Sadly for the plaintiff, the judge determined the request to be delusional and refused to grant the order. 

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