9 Jan 2016

ISIS execute young woman, then use her social media account to track down friends

A young journalist who has been executed by ISIS has had her Facebook account hacked by the the wicked killers in order to hunt the own her friends.
Ruqia Hassan was a prominent citizen journalist reporting from Raqqa, the de-facto ISIS capital in Syria.

In her last post, she wrote that she would rather die than live in humiliation under ISIS.

But on New Year's Day the terror group ensured she got her wish, slaughtering her and telling devastated family she had been killed as punishment for "espionage".

The 30-year-old was captured in September and ISIS had been using her account to track down other enemies.
Her killing is further evidence ISIS is showing no sign of scaling down its violence, despite the persistent pummeling received from US, Russian, French and British air strikes.

It is reported that the terror group pretended to be her on Facebook to lure her out on Facebook.
The courageous journalist used her final words to write: “I’m in Raqqa and I received death threats and when ISIS will arrest me and kill me, it’s okay, because they will cut my head and I have dignity, it’s better than I live in humiliation with ISIS.”

She was last heard from on July 21 last year before vanishing. She had used the pseudonym Nissan Ibrahim to describe the oppression in the ISIS capital city.

The sick cult put her under surveillance in August after she defiantly refused to leave Raqqa.
She defiantly refused to leave the city after ISIS took over the region, and was placed under surveillance in August by the extremists.

Syria Direct said: “[ISIS] always wants to keep the sword hovering over the people’s necks.
“They want their fighters and supporters to know that the Islamic State is capable of taking revenge against those who speak against them.”

In one of her last posts, she left a positive message: “After each hardship comes good things

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