13 Jan 2016

Obsessive stepdad jailed for stabbing daughter's boyfriend in the heart (Knife crime 29

An overprotective stepdad has been jailed for stabbing his daughter's new boyfriend in the heart with a kitchen knife.

Anthony Osmond, 52, attacked Gareth Jones after sending him Facebook messages saying "You're dead".

Jones had recently started dating Osmond's stepdaughter, Oasis, and needed life-saving surgery after the stabbing, a court heard.

Prosecuter Helen Randall said: "Osmond was over-protective and obsessed with Oasis.
"She worked as barmaid at the Nags Head pub and formed a relationship with Mr Jones who was a customer."

Miss Randall said the couple had kept their relationship hidden, knowing how Osborne would react.
She said: "When she told her stepfather about her new boyfriend, Osmond insisted on meeting him."

Swansea Crown Court heard that Osmond went to the pub in Abercych, Pembrokeshire, to confront Jones and start a fight.

He then picked up the six-inch long kitchen knife and plunged it into Gareth's chest before making off in his car.

He was stopped by police as he approached the Severn Bridge to flee from Wales to England.
Janet Gedrych, defending, said Osmond hadn't picked up the knife deliberately.

She said: "He is devastated at how close he came to killing this young man."

Osmond, from Velindre, Wales, admitted unlawful wounding and was jailed for two-and-a-half years.

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