9 Jan 2016

Lesbians touch p***s for first time on camera... and their reactions are crazy (Video) Censored

Three gay women agreed to fondle some man meat for the first time in their life on camera.
They describe how it feels as their willing subject tries to keep a… er… "straight" face.
 Bizarre descriptions range from "warmed up Play Doh" to a turkey neck filled with corn. he girls are clearly deeply embarrassed by the situation – with one freaking out as the lad strips off.

One – who claims she is more nervous than before public speaking or after she was hit by a car – says: "I feel like I've gone my whole life trying to avoid this moment."
But once they get rummaging around in the basement, they seem fascinated by their new plaything.
Two of them say it is softer than they expected – with the other saying it is harder.

One of the women – who literally runs of camera at the end – said: "It feels like when I was a butcher and would stuff the turkey necks with corn on the cob for Christmas."

She also compares it to a hot dog – before finally declaring: "It feels like my vagina."
Read: Gay men touch b***s for the first time – watch the hilarious reactions  
Source: Bria and Chrissy YouTube/ Daily Star 

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