4 Jan 2016

Blind mystic predicted 9/11, 2004 tsunami and ISIS – now read her 2016 prophecies

A blind mystic who predicted 9/11, the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, and ISIS' reign of terror has also made chilling warnings about 2016.

In the 1950s Baba Vanga who died aged 85 a decade ago warned of global warming – 50 years before anyone had mentioned the issue.

After suffering terrible damage to her eyes in a storm aged 12 her family were unable to pay for specialist care – meaning she went blind.

The rich and powerful soon came to her after she developed a knack about being able to predict the future.

She is said to have had a 85% success rate when making her predictions.
Bulgarian-born Vanga talked of a "great Muslim war" – a warning which looks to have been proved right as the threat from ISIS grows daily.

Now fans have begun to look to next year when Vanga predicted "a 2016 invasion by Muslim extremists" – a conflict she predicted would start with the Arab Spring in 2010.

She told how the war would be played out in Syria where "Muslim [extremists] would use chemical warfare against Europeans".

And finally she predicted the establishment of a terror-led state by 2043 established around Rome.
Europe as we know it will "cease to exist" by the end of next year, she said.

She predicted September 11 attacks in 1989 – 12 years before two hijacked passenger planes hit the two towers.

She apparently said: "Horror! Horror! The American brethren (understood to be a reference to the Twin Towers) will fall after being attacked by the steel birds (thought to be the hijacked passenger planes).

And she reportedly predicted the 44th US president would be an African American. But she also added he would be the last president of the US.

Which of Baba Vanga's predictions do you think will come true?

2023 – Earth's orbit will change
2025 – Europe's population will reach almost zero
2028 – Mankind will fly to Venus to find new energy sources
2043 – Europe will be a caliphate under Islamist rule
2066 – America use a climate change weapon to retake Rome
2076 – Communism will return to Europe
2100 – Man-made sun illuminates the dark side of the planet
2170 – Major global drought
2187 – Two large volcanic eruptions will be successfully stopped
2354 – The artificial sun will crash causing more drought
Poll Maker

1 comment:

  1. Exactly. I foresee these prediction's happening if Europe fails to wake of to the reality that ISIS is a big threat
