14 Jan 2016

Mumbai police force fed thief with 48 bananas to make him pass swallowed gold chain

Gopi R. Ghawre snatched the gold chain in a market but was caught by stunned bystanders who pinned him down and beat him before cops arrived.
Man force fed 48 bananas to pass gold chain he stole
An X-ray found the gold chain in the thief’s body, who swallowed the jewellery in an attempt to avoid getting caught.
If he thought the cops were having a bunch of laughs, he was mistaken as officers ordered a basketful of bananas and forced them down his throat until the early hours of morning.

Police then took Ghaware to the toilet where the chain slipped out of his behind.
He was ordered to wash the chain before being placed under arrest.

After appearing in court on Friday, Ghaware, from Ghatkopar, Mumbai, was remanded to custody.
This is not the first time Mumbai police have used the fruit to get stolen good from thieves.

In April, last year, Anil Yadav, was fed five dozen bananas and liquids in an unsuccessful attempt to retrieve a gold chain whose large pendant got stuck in the food pipe.

Police Inspector Rajesh Kewle said, “He was constantly refusing, but we wanted to recover the gold chain as the complainant has bought it with her hard-earned money.

"We forced him to eat four dozen bananas so that the chain could be purged in the morning.” The next morning the accused had to relieve himself under the observation of four constables, one of whom filmed the act.

“The accused was asked to wash the chain with phenyle. He was arrested in the morning,” said the officer.

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